S84 – Statute of Limitation for Sexual Abuse or Incest Cases

This bill should not pass. Sponsor: Senator Gerald Malloy, Hartsville Link to the full text: S84 What it would do: The bill has two aims. One is the extend the time window in which lawsuits may be filed against someone for an act of sexual assault, sexual abuse, or incest. The second is to open a one-year window of opportunity…

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Jesus’ Greatest Commandments

Matthew relates the story of a group of Pharisees questioning Jesus about the greatest commandment.  Jesus’ reply was probably not what they expected.  He replied, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your…

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Welcome!  We’re glad you’ve joined the conversation.  The rules of engagement are simple.  Please consider the discussions here thoughtfully and prayerfully.  Use them to stimulate your own study of the Scriptures.  Feel free to add your thoughts through the comments, subject to the moderation discussion below.  We invite others to submit new posts.  You don’t have to have a seminary…

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